Draw the line, men!

This post is for the men of our men’s ministry, Metal to Metal at CHCC.  In our most recent gathering, we discovered that God’s design for his creation was to create and then cultivate.  The book of Genesis is filled with this pattern of how God intended for his creation, especially man as His image bearers, to not only create something but to further it by cultivating it.  It seems easy for men to create a personal relationship or employment situation or even a family but is then that we men, even Christian men, fail by not working to cultivate the success of this new relationship.  We become cowards, pleasure seekers or complainers instead of standing up in the face of this culture, drawing the line and saying ‘Here I stand, I will by God’s grace and strength make this work’.  We fail as husbands, as fathers, as employees or employers, or as church leaders because the lure of this world is greater than our commitment to what God has called us to be.  Men it is time for us to ‘stand and draw the line’. Check out this video of Chris Norman who drew the line and followed God’s clear leading for his life when his future seemed so promising according to the world’s standards in another direction.  Let’s be men of conviction and action as we determine how God has wired us for His purpose in this life. soli deo gloria